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Guidebook for Trustworthy AI(General) - Guidebook for Trustworthy AI(Sector)

Guidebook for Trustworthy AI(General) - Guidebook for Trustworthy AI(Sector)

  1. Level 1 Guidebook for Trustworthy
  2. Level 2 Guidebook for Trustworthy AI(Sector)

1. Guidebook for Trustworthy AI(General)

Providing 15 development requirements and 67 verification items to be used as reference materials for ensuring trustworthiness in the process of developing AI products and services

Ensuring high relevance with key requirements of AI Ethics Standards*, Reflecting International Requirements for Ensuring AI trustworthiness**

* Applying the 10 key requirements of “AI Ethics Standards” and concluded with 'respect for diversity', 'liability', 'safety', and 'transparency' as the essential requirements and assessment questions from a technical perspective.

** Deriving and concretizing technical requirements based on policies, recommendations, and standards announced by standardization bodies, technical organizations, international entities, and major nations for ensuring AI trustworthiness.

2. Guidebook for Trustworthy AI(Sector)

Providing sector-specific specialized use cases based on requirements and assessment questions of the 'Guidebook for Trustworthy AI(General)' to enhance practical use

Currently('23), 'Guidebook for Trustworthy AI' for the 'Public & Social,' 'Autonomous Driving,' and 'Medical' sectors has been provided. In addition, 'Generative AI,' 'Smart Security,' and 'Hiring' sectors-specific 'Guidebook for Trustworthy' AI is going to be provided in the first half of next year ('24)

Guidebook for Trustworthy AI(Sector) Coverage

  • Medical

    'Machine Learning-enabled Medical Devices (MLMD) inclduing disease diagnosis/prediction and medical imaging software, etc.

  • Autonomous Driving

    Autonomous driving system including autonomous driving algorithm (e.g. judgment/control system based on cognitive results)

  • Public & Social

    Government to Customer (G2C) and Business to Government (B2G) AI services

  • Generative AI

    AI services that provide content(e.g. texts and images) based on AI generation technologies

  • Smart Security

    CCTV video contents-based smart security AI services (e.g. crime detection)

  • Hiring

    User-face-to-face hiring services based on AI technologies

Recommend selecting appropriate sector-specific requirements and assessment questions considering the characteristics of AI services during AI trustworthiness assurance activities

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[27872] 18 Jeongtong-ro, Deoksan-eup, Jincheon-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do, 27872, Republic of Korea
Call : 043-531-4114
  • KISDI 정보통신정책연구원
  • 과학기술정보통신부